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HANDS UP – by Gordon Clarke

Hands up all those people who believe that something smaller than a sub microscopic non existent spot, expanded forever producing the entire universe we see today.
This is based entirely on the assumption that galaxies are receding from each other faster and faster so produce the redshift in light emanating from them.
Alternatively you may find New Gravity, more compelling. Here the universe has always been the size it is nowadays. So the redshift of light is because light fights the pull of gravity every inch of travel and eventually shows redshift more and more. Gravity is caused by every particle formed by empty space in a spin pulling on space by an’ unscrewing’ effect  on space forever. Almost 100% space is energised by this motion and lasts forever since there is no drag or resistance:
This is the only explanation of gravity in detail ever suggested. The place stays where it is the space moves. You know it makes more sense. Hands Up!